!Challenge Winners!ΒΆ

The AortaSeg24 Challenge is not only a competition but also a chance to contribute to the scientific community. We recognize the hard work and innovation that participants bring to the challenge. Therefore, we are excited to announce an additional reward for our top-performing teams.

Participation and RecognitionΒΆ

All teams that successfully submit their Docker container and a 4-page technical paper will be honored with a Participation Certificate. This certificate acknowledges the dedication and effort put forth by each team in advancing the field of medical image analysis.

Cash PrizesΒΆ

The challenge will award the top five teams with both award certificates and cash prizes to celebrate their outstanding achievements:

  • πŸ₯‡ 1st place: $1,000
  • πŸ₯ˆ 2nd place: $800
  • πŸ₯‰ 3rd place: $600
  • πŸ… 4th place: $400
  • πŸ… 5th place: $200

Inclusion in AuthorshipΒΆ

In recognition of exceptional performance, teams that achieve a test score higher than the baseline model will be offered a significant academic honor. These teams will be invited to co-author a journal paper about the AortaSeg24 Challenge, which will be submitted to top-tier journals in the field.

This is a unique opportunity to gain recognition in the scientific community and contribute to a published work that could influence future research and clinical practices.

Challenge OrganizersΒΆ

The AortaSeg24 Challenge is organized by a dedicated team of experts:

  • Muhammad Imran, Department of Medicine, University of Florida, United States
  • Jonathan R. Krebs, Department of Surgery, University of Florida, United States
  • Michol A. Cooper, Department of Surgery, University of Florida, United States
  • Jun Ma, University of Toronto, University Health Network, Vector Institute, Toronto, Canada
  • Yuyin Zhou, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC Santa Cruz, United States
  • Wei Shao, Department of Medicine, University of Florida, United States